Pizza Dough Recipe Poolish -
100 ml warm water (3.38 liquid oz)
2 grams of Active Dry Yeast
Pinch of Honey (about 1g)
100 grams of Bread Flour
Mix it up
Then seal it up and let it sit in Room Temp for 1 Hour.
Put in Fridge for 16 to 24 hours
Dough - The Poolish that was made 24 hours ago
10g Cold Water
5 g Salt
Put Salt in the Water and let it fully disolve.
60g Flour
Put salt-water into the Poolish and add the Flour slowly while mixing it.
Mix it up to a nice consistency and stretch it a bit.
Put cover on it for 15 minutes while on counter.
Shape it into a nice Round Ball (Pull and Tuck)
Put it into a nice size container with lid on it...
Let it rest for 1 to 2 hours in Room Temp.
Make your pizza..
Kitchen Oven was Pre-heated for 1 Hour at 550 Degrees F. with the Pizza Stone in it.
I cook the pizza 1st with only sauce on it for 5 minutes.
Take it out, add cheese and toppings Put back in over for about another 5 minutes or until your crust is nice and golden
Links: Vito Iacopelli: How to make one perfect pizza Han's Pizza Peel Pro: Han's Pizza Peel Pro: